
De Superdog Week

Hear ye, Hear ye.
I went to the wedding . . . not.
They won't even let me on the plane!
And to think I made this card early
to give away to my adoring fans
but they thought I was the Underdog!
Hey I ain't going anywhere under.
What's with these people anyway!

And so I start my week
doing challenges on a hot 36 degrees weather.
Superdog Tricks:

When the weather is too hot
you do things lying down.

When it gets hotter
you bark out to the hoomans
for salvation.

When you want the hottest
check out my photo challenges!

And I start with Jan
who wants SOOC and
First Of The Month:
Jan, this is Chicky, our chico tree.
It is Keeper's FOTM April
but she's nowhere
and I was here first.
And Popsy and TheOtherKeeper. . .
I was also hoping to get the best shadow shots
for Harriet's Shadow Sunday:
But look, Harriet, the black beast has no shadow!
But somebody . . .
Somebody loud and sneaky . . .
. . . wants to get the beast!
Let me assure you
NOBODY gets the beast alive.
Popsy is one smart beast and father.
I rest my case.
And I got my shadow shot!

So on to my next challenges . . .
Ashley wants 5 photos for SHS
. . . and she gets them all!

People go to church but this church goes to the Superdog.
And I ask the church "no service eh?"
And the church said "no, no dogs to serve."
There ought to be a law against talking churches.

Rimmed with Lights
This hopes to keep flies and mosquitoes out of my nose when I nap.

Perfect to ward off the heat and annoying hoomans ogling at a sleeping dog.

This Is My Favorite
Our old portrait with my late Mumsy Pica. circa2002

Toes and Feet
Pitter patter ma feet is a-sleeping matter.

This monochrome is also perfect
for Dragonstar's Black and White Weekend!
This dragon is asleep, Dragonstar!

And talk of weddings . . .
I really wanted to attend one with the bride in black
and walking with a handsome golden dog.
You really should consider that, Amy.
But Amy wants slashed out color for CSS:
And Amy gets her wish:
This is called indulgence on a hot day.
I call it madness.
I call it Selfie Day.
I call it a No-No.
Oh, why can't humans eat something
without chocolates
and nuts and raisins
and anything
that they can not share with dogs?

And for Lisa of
. . . here is Sweepy the putter look:
I spun glittering magic of delight, drooly love,
and furry hugs to all romantics
and new saints, and old keepers,
and most especially to all dog lovers
and lovers of this Superdog!
See ya next woofy week!


  1. Sweepy - it looks like you had another great week. I love your paws and I'm glad to see you keeping them clean!

  2. Greatness! Shades was my favorite!! Your dog is super cute!

  3. Loving Sweepy the Magician!!

    Thank you so much for sharing these today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday Sweepy!!


  4. Great pictures Sweepy! You are the best!

  5. I always love to see your unique perspective, Sweepy! ;) Your color splash photo this week looks delicious, but I am glad you didn't eat any!

  6. I love your busy week Sweepy, and your monochrome paws are SO handsome!


Go Ahead And Bark Away!